1. 有單複數的區別;
This is the book.
This is a book.
These are books.
2. a + 子音,an + 母音
a boy
an apple
an hour
3. 冠詞:a, an, the (單數前須加,複數可不加)
冠詞相等語:this, these, my, our, every, some, whose, which, John’s
複數量修飾:many (很多), a lot of (許多), a few (少數), few (極少數)
This is a pen.
This is an orange.
This is your picture.
There are few pens on the desk.
There are John’s oranges.
There are those pictures I like.
4. 表同種類的全體:a, an, the + 單數名詞
5. 表同種類的全體:無冠詞 + 複數名詞
An apple is a healthy fruit.
= The apple is a healthy fruit.
= Apples are healthy fruits.
1. 把集合名詞視為一整體時,單複數用法和普通名詞相同
[單] His family is a large one. (他的家庭)
[複] Two families live in this house. (兩家人)
[單] The Chinese are a peace-loving people. (一個愛好和平的民族)
[複] There are many different peoples in Asia. (很多民族)
2. 把集合名詞視為一整體一部分時,單數形做複數用
My family are all well. (我的家人都很好) [家庭-家人]
Many people were waiting there. (很多人在那裡等著) [民族-人]