Grammar Focus:

A.     some who(m)…

Please translate the following sentences into English.

Ex: 1. 酒肉朋友是在你有困難會離你而去的人。


Ex: 2. 老師是教導你知識的人。


 Ex: 3. 軍人是為國家英勇作戰的人。


 Ex: 4. 爸爸是提供家庭經濟收入的人。


 Ex: 5. 冠軍是在比賽獲得大勝利的人。


B.     V-ing.., S + V…

a.      Please rewrite the flowing sentences using the “V-ing…, S + V…”.

Ex: 1. When you feel sad, you can cry on your friend’s shoulder.


 Ex: 2. If you meet an emergency, you have to stay calm first.


 b.      Please translate the following sentences into English by using the sentence pattern: V-ing.., S +V...

Ex: 1. 即使他們分開很長一段時間,他們還是常保持聯絡。


 Ex: 2. 在第一次他開口說英文之後,他終於克服說英文的恐懼。


C.    Since/ For….

a.      Please fill in each blank with “for” or “since”

Ex: 1. We have learned English ______ four years.

   2. She has been sick _____ Monday.

   3. Farmers have tried to make their crops stronger _____ thousands of years.

   4. Scientists have been able to develop stronger plants ______ 1983.  

b. Please make the sentences with the given words. 

Ex: Jay/ be a singer/ three years


 Ex: it/ one year/ we/ graduate from junior high school


 Ex: I/ study English/ two days ago


 Ex: Chian-Ming Wang/ play baseball/ several years.


D.     NP + be + to V

a.      Please translate the following sentence into English.

Ex: 基因改造技術的發明是為了生產更多的食物。


 Ex: 基因改造食物的缺點是傷害人體健康。


 Ex: 這個實驗的目的是要檢視這個藥物的有效性。_


 Ex: 教育的目的是要培養良好的人格。


E.      so + adj/adv ….that…

EX: The car is so old that we can't drive it.(這部車太舊了,所以我們無法再開了。)

1. 他實在是太驚訝了,以致於無法相信它。


2. 我的夾克太小了,所以不能再穿了。


3. Eric was very exciting. He couldn’t help but laughing.(Please combine the two sentences)


4. Andy is very handsome. Wendy falls in love with him.(Please combine the two sentences)


 F. The reason (why/that)… is that S +V

EX:  The reason (that) she did it is still a mystery. The reason why she did it is still a mystery. 

1. (the reason/ I play soccer/ it is fun and exciting.)


 2. (the reason/ I play Golf/ it is a great time to talk business with my clients.)


3. (the reason/ I bought a bunch of flowers/ it is my mother’s birthday.)


4. (the reason/ Allen gives Ivy a present/ He likes her.)


 G.     wh-(NP) + to V

Ex: If you don’t want to offend someone, you had better know which English words to use.





H. S +may have P. P. 

Ex: You may have offended her by calling her a “waitress”

地上濕了, 可能下過雨。


Ex: Tom


I.  as if + S. + p.t./were; had+p.p.

Ex: Sometimes he acts as if he didn't have a brain in his head.有時他做起事來似乎沒有頭腦。

àBut he does have a brain in his head. (不符事實,所以用過去式表示假設語氣



Ex: You look as if you had seen a ghost.
àYou have not seen a ghost, but just look shocked. (你沒有見到鬼,只是顯得驚訝的     樣子—— 假設法。與事實不符,所以用過去完成式表示假設語氣)

她裝作一附若無其事的樣子。(做出的行為v. behave














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